Pupil Premium
St Lawrence CE (A) Junior School Pupil Premium Funding
The Pupil Premium is allocated to:
Children from low-income families who are currently eligible for Free School Meals (FSM)
Children who have been eligible for FSM at any point in the last six years (known as Ever6)
Children who have been looked after by the local authority (LAC)
Children who currently have a parent in the military
Children who have had a parent in the military at any point in the last 3 years (known as Ever3)
Schools are free to spend the Pupil Premium as they see fit. However, we will be held accountable for how we have used the additional funding to support pupils identified. We are required to publish online information about how we are using the funding. This will ensure that parents and others are made fully aware of the Premium and the extra support that pupils receive. Each year’s expenditure is listed on this site.
The purpose of the funding is to ensure that these children are not disadvantaged in any way in school due to financial constraints. The aim is to narrow any achievement gap between these pupils and their peers. Pupil Premium funding enables a range of intervention, support and enrichment activities to be funded. St Lawrence is investing its Pupil Premium to make the maximum possible impact for students entitled to the funding. Expectations for each child are realistic. For some it may be to enhance social skills or develop greater self-confidence. For others it may be to make accelerated progress in their learning. Another goal may be to achieve potential in a natural talent such as music or sport.
At St Lawrence we are aware that some of our most vulnerable and disadvantaged families are not entitled to Pupil Premium Funding while other children who receive the funding are high achievers who exude confidence in all areas of school life. We are therefore careful to look at each child’s needs individually and assess what additional provision could enable them to develop further as an individual.
How we use the Pupil Premium (April 2023 – March 2024)
Total Allocation:
£32, 010 (£1,455 per pupil)
25 pupils
Year 3 - 1 pupils
Year 4 - 4 pupils
Year 5 - 5 pupils
Year 6 - 13 pupils
Expenditure during this financial year is focused on the following:
Intervention Groups:
Additional reading with an adult
Additional reading – group and 1:1
Reading comprehension group
Little Wandle Phonics Catch Up
Handwriting Programme
Key vocabulary
PAT (Phonological Awareness)
Speech and language 1:1
Spelling Support Group
Spelling group (ACE dictionary)
Maths support (SNAP)
Additional teacher for Maths and English
Additional Spelling support
Additional Reading support
Additional Maths Support
Focus skills (good learning skills)
Social skills group
Friendship focus group
Writing Intervention Program (W.I.P.)
Other Support:
Family Support Worker
Emotional Literacy Support Assistant (ELSA) x 2
Financial Support:
PGL Residential Trip
Trips and Visits
Expenditure Budget Allocation:
TA Hours (designated adult) - 3 hours per week £1440
Elsa with HLTA - 6 hours per week £3624
Teaching Assistants SB and MM employed to
support pupils including pupil premium children - 45 hours per week £21,609
Resources/Trips and Visits/Clubs £500
Family Support Worker - 3 hours per week £3900
Little Wandle Phonics Catch Up Programme £1000